Payment 2 of 5: 50% of Semi-Custom Website

Payment 2 of 5: 50% of Semi-Custom Website

  • $1,500.00 USD

Payment 2 of 5, due 30 days after first payment or upon launch of website (whichever is sooner)

50% of website: $1,500



1. Semi-Custom Website [$3,000]

  • Semi-Custom real estate websites include a custom home page with all the features of our AgentPro website.
  • Features are listed here:

2. Custom SEO, 12 months [$7,400]

  • Keyword strategy
  • Content writing (keyword landing pages and blog posts)
  • Optimize site for SEO
  • Improve rankings and online presence
  • Includes monthly SEO reports

*IMPORTANT: SSL Certificate (should be separately purchased by the client)


*Amount shown on checkout will be in USD and the final amount on checkout page will include an online processing fee of 5%.

* Once purchased, this means you have agreed to Agent Image's Terms and Conditions.